The mandate of Association for Science and Reason (ASR, formerly Skeptics Canada) is to promote the understanding and application of critical thinking skills and scientific methodology via educational outreach, activism, collecting and disseminating information, and communication (with the public and the media).
ASR is a not-for-profit organization run by volunteers and receives no government funding. As such, your donations are extremely important and much appreciated. We welcome money of course, but also donations of your time, skills, and resources so that we can continue to do the work we do (and more!). There are also many other ways you can contribute to ASR specifically, and the science and skepticism movement generally:
- Become a member of Association for Science and Reason for a very nominal yearly fee.
- Make a monetary donation to ASR.
- Buy ASR merchandise when it becomes available.
- Donate your time, talent, knowledge, resources, contacts, enthusiasm, and/or energy to ASR. Maybe you’re a lawyer who can help with incorporation, an artist who can help with design, a print-shop owner who can help with flyers and brochures, an accountant or book-keeper who can help with finances, or someone with expertise in running volunteer-run, not-for-profit organizations—all of these (and more) are welcome.
- Donate books, magazines, videos/DVDs, office supplies, event space, food for events, printing, photocopying, etc.
- Attend ASR’s Skeptics in the Pub events.
- Let ASR know if there is a spurious claim being made by an individual, a writer, the media, the government, a merchant/company/organization, etc., so that we can write to them/about them. Better yet—write to them/about them yourself! Write letters to editors, CEOs, and politicians. Talk to people. Get the facts out.
- Equally important to the above point is to do all of this when they get it right! Send kudos.
- Write articles for ASR’s newsletter, Critical Eye, and for other scientific/skeptical publications.
- Investigate spurious claims. Don’t just accept what you read or hear in the media—look into it yourself and if you find it is fraudulent, a lie, or pseudoscientific, then do something about it.
- Be active. Don’t just complain about pseudoscience, woo, lies, scams, and fraud—do something. Confront people, write letters, distribute factual information, promote organizations like ASR, participate in demonstrations and boycotts, contact the media…. There are many small things you can do to help promote science and reason.
- Make comments on blogs; call into radio shows, TV programs, and podcasts; and write letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines. Help further the cause of science and reason wherever possible. Also, mention the Association for Science and Reason to help get our name out there so that we will be contacted by media outlets in the future for our point of view.
- Start a critical-thinking group or club at your school and invite guests to come and speak. Contact ASR and we will help out when possible.
- Start a book club where you read science, skepticism, and critical-thinking books. Check out ASR’s list of suggested things to read, watch, and listen to.
- Purchase a subscription to magazines such as Skeptic, Skeptical Inquirer, Nature, Scientific American, National Geographic, etc. in the name of a local high school library so that they can receive it directly. (Ask permission first.)
- Donate scientific/skeptical books, magazines, and videos/DVDs to libraries. Donate scientific/skeptical magazines to doctors’ and dentists’ offices.
- Write to ASR and other organizations—a kind word of encouragement goes a very long way. Compliment individuals, too, for a good article or action.
- Stay informed about science and the skeptical movement. Read books, magazines, and blogs; listen to podcasts and radio shows; watch videos. Learn the facts and evidence, and then spread the word.
- Don’t attack! When you are confronting a true believer or pseudoscientist, take Emily Dickinson’s advice: “The truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind.” Know that ad hominem attacks are pointless. Do not counter bluster with bluster or ranting with ranting. Be kind, courteous, and always have the facts and evidentiary proof on your side. Whereas the other side may be playing it loud and frantic, play it even and informed.
- Finally, support other skeptical/scientific organizations. We’re all in this together.
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