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York University rejects chiropractic college

“Senate’s approval in principle has been negated.”

With these words in the Senate of York University on April 26th, 2001, the proposal for an affiliation with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) expired without so much as a whimper. The six-year nightmare was over.


Some myths about computers

No one can deny that computers have enabled humans to do amazing things, like watch movies of the insides of our bodies, golf on the moon, and shrink the planet with a world-wide communication Net. And computers do keep getting faster and roomier. For about twenty years now, “Moore’s law” has held true, as every two or three years we’ve seen a tenfold improvement in computer capacity and speed. But factual reports of quantitative progress can easily slip into science fiction speculation, as has happened with the next three myths.


Are we being poisoned by our fillings? The mercury amalgam scare

No matter how many fillings you may have, it is probably true to say that it is far more than you would like to have. If you listen to what some dentists are now saying, we would be better off with none.


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