Every year since I’ve become politically cognizant it seems I’ve had to endure people bickering about the ‘controversy’ over Christmas. Is it a war on Christmas, as the American right-wing TV and radio hosts purport? Is it offensive to say “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” as opposed to “Merry Christmas?” Is being inclusive and saying “Happy Hanukkah,” “Happy Kwanzaa,” etc. a slippery slope? Is it hypocritical at best, politically or ethically untenable at worst, for atheists to celebrate Christmas? Some non-theists don’t celebrate Christmas because of its religious connotations, and some theists think that non-Christians shouldn’t celebrate Christmas.
Skepticism has experienced unprecedented growth in size and influence in recent times due in large part to the Internet bringing together a geographically disparate group of like-minded people. Standout blogs, podcasts, forums, and wikis have helped equalize access to the skeptical community, promote our positions, and inform about/organize against pseudoscientists, charlatans, ideologues, and those who are just plain incorrect.
Recently some vitamin supplement scams have been passed off as legitimate news articles from reputable-looking sites. Here are two examples:
Many of you are probably aware of the seemingly prevailing attitude that skeptics are closed-minded cynics. Some of you have no doubt experienced this accusation first-hand. But is it true?