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Local Matters

Skepticism has experienced unprecedented growth in size and influence in recent times due in large part to the Internet bringing together a geographically disparate group of like-minded people. Standout blogs, podcasts, forums, and wikis have helped equalize access to the skeptical community, promote our positions, and inform about/organize against pseudoscientists, charlatans, ideologues, and those who are just plain incorrect.


News, scams, and herbal supplements

Recently some vitamin supplement scams have been passed off as legitimate news articles from reputable-looking sites. Here are two examples:


Vaccines and autism: Is the message finally getting through?

Most skeptics will be familiar with the unfortunately popular notion that there is a link between vaccinations and autism. For the most part we see it as a manufactured controversy that has had only negative effects, such as decreased confidence in science-based medicine, increased and misplaced confidence in alternative medicine, and the suffering and death of children who have not received vaccinations or have not been protected by herd immunity.


Lies about Canadian health care

As a rational Canadian watching the completely irrational American ‘debate’ on health care these past few months, I find that it would almost be funny if it weren’t so infuriating. As a skeptic, I can’t understand why other skeptical organizations/blogs/podcasts are not debunking the outright lies being promoted by anti-reformers, especially given the number of doctors in the skeptical movement.
